1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

a pa ir of J<'ing s -and a pair of queen s. A pair or six es and threes ar e better t han a pair of fives and fours. If the two pairs are alilrn, then •the single ca rd l ef t oecides the valu e of U rn h '3.nd. Threes or Tl'iplets.- By 'three or triJ)lets is m ean1t th:.tt the pla y er h olds t hree cards ·of .t he sam e Yal m ., as t hr ee aces or three ten s, o•r three deuces. The three highest· w in. There :::a.n ·b e no similar ity or ·ha nds in threes. The Straig ht.-T·h e straight, sometimes called a s~quence, m eans •t h wt five ca·rds are h el d w hich ascend in ex act values. Tl~us, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a r e •1umerica l sequen ces. 'l'he strruight has no r ef er ence to color. ..\. straight m ay be ccmposed of t h e five of n ear ts, six of l1ia – monds, sev en of c. 'l'he ace, ldng , q ueen, jack, ten, 'irn·espective of suits, i s a str aight. The ace, ·however, in a straig ht m ay change 111 v a:lue, f.or it m ay b e taken as ·the beginning uf t he str a igi1 t; tJrns, a n ace, a deuce, •three, four and five i s a str aight, 'but i't i s t h e l owest one; 'it woul d be beat en by a two, th re~. four, five a nd six. As in all val ua·ti ons, t he best or high~,,;t str aight or sequ ence wins. A s-tr a ight beginning w.Ith a nine a nd ending w it h a king is not as good as one com– m encing w ith a ten and anding with a n ace. T wo h a!'.lols m ay hold st1iaig hts of the sam e value ; and when this h a ::i– pens •the pool is divide


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