1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co
the five cairds, four cards are of t h e same value. 'l'h.1s, 1 , ~, ,.t ... ces 1s a four, as ar e Cour acrn. '£ he highest fours •· .n. T her <: cR n be no similar hands in fours. '.l'he Stra igiht Flush.-This is t he most unusua l of ;- • 2. One P air. 3. Tl'<'O Pruirs. 4. Threes or 1.'r-iplets. 5. '£he Stra ight, ·or Sequence. 6. The Flu sh. 7. The F ull. 8. Fours. ~- The Stra igh t F l u·sb. HOW TI-IE GAME IS PLAYED. Poker i s piayed w·i th a full 1>ack of 52 cards. The number of 1Ylayers s·h ould be limited to six . Five i s -th e best num– ber , but sev en cam play ; but when sev en play, as each play er r ecei v es five ca rds, thirt y-five cards h av e been dea,l t; a nd t h is only l eav es sev enteen cards. As every p lay er has five ·card~ dea.ht to h im a nd h as a rig ht co dr:i.w five cards, t-her e a r e no·t suffic ien t cards for this; and whs put up in the gam e at the entrance of the p l ay ers.
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