1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

the ball wltih Which h e is in conta ct. RULE VI.-The player ma y .pr.otest against his adver– sary's s ta nding In front of him, or ln s uch cJlose proxlmi·tY a s to disarrange his aim. 1s t. Also, against loud talking or a ny other annoyance by his opponent, w hile h e is m a king his pla y . 2d. Also, against •being r efused the u se of the bridge, or a n y other of t'he imitrume nts us ed in rtha.t room in pla y– ing, ex cept wher e a s pecia l s tipulation •to the contra ry was m a de before commen c ing the ganne. 3d. Or in case h'is a dversary s h a 1'1 r efuse :to albide by the r e fer ee's, m-arker's, ·or compa ny's decis ion ~rn a dispu ted po·in t, which it was a g r eed betw een them ·to sulbmit to the r efer ee, m a rker or compa ny for arbit:rnition. In a ny one or II of the foregoing cases, if tlrn discourtesy be persisted in, t 'he pa r ty aggriev ed is at liberty to .withdra.w , and the gam e s ha lol be cons ider ed as dra wn. R ULE vn.-In a ny case where tlhe p·os'iti'ons of the balls ha ve ·b een a lter ed by a n accident over w hich •tlhe p!ayers ha v e n o ·cont r ol, the r efer ee or ma rl'ise h ave occupied. ~d. If th e striker , in :t·h e act of taJ~ing ruim, or other– wise, m ove h is b aill ever s o lH tle, it Is a !ftroke, a nd s hould h e str.ike t h e 'ba·ll again, 'his o•pponent h as the sam e option as in t he preceding paragra ph. RULE VIIl.-Every player mus t ·s ee •to his own int erest and ex er cise his o wn discr etion. C ontesta nts are not com– pelled -to a n s " •er a ny quest'ion In r efer en ce to the pos ition of th e balls ·of each otfh er on the -taJble-all player::; b eing expected to u se •their own judg m ent in this m aJtter. 51 .

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