1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Appl e -J a ck Coc kta il. [Use largo bar glass.]

4 dashes of gum syrup, 4dashes of ra,pberry syrup, 1wiuo glass of apple-jack. Fill with shaved ice, sh ake, straiu into cocktail glass, add a twist of lemon peel, trim with fruit in season. Arra ck Pun c h. [Use large bar glass.] Arrack is a liquor distilled from rice, a nd is used mostly to flavor punch. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dis,olved in water,< dashes of lemon juice, l wine glass of arrack. Fill glass half full of ice, shake well, trin1 ,·vi th fruits, servo witb straws. A rkw o o d C o ckta il. Angustora bitters 2 dashes,gum 2 dashes, )f sherry Yo vermout!J. 'Alf a nd ' Al f . [Use large ale glass.] 4 dashes of g um syrup, juice of ha lf lemon, 2 d ashes of orange cordial, 1 wine glass of brandy. Fill glass with ico, mix well, stra in, and fill with seltzer or appollinaris. Bra n d y Fix . [Use small bar glass.] Yo tablespoonful of sugar dissolved in % glass of seltzer, )i of a lemou, ~ pouy of p ine-apple syrup. Fill with shaved ice, a wine glass of brand,v , mi x well, trim with fruits, sip with straws. B ra n dy Fl ip . [Use a l arge bar gla ·s .] Glass half full o f fine ice, 1 fresh egg, Yo tablespoonful of sugar, 1 wine glass of brandy. Shake well, stra in into a fan cy glass, grate nutmeg on top. Bra n d y Pun c h . ~ teaspoonsful of fine sugar in just enough water to dissolve, 1 d ash of raspberry syru1~. juice of half a lemon, fill the glass with fine ice, t dash of rum, l )f glass of brandy, 2 slices of orange, piece of pine-apple, shake, t rim with fruit, sip with strnw8. G U. S.-Half old ale, half new ale. English-Half porter and half a le. B ra ndy Da is y. [Uso small bar glass.]

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