1895 Official Hand-Book and Guide Bartender's Association of New York City

Gin and Calamus. (Use whiskey glass.)

Cut 3 pieces of calamus up fine, and steep in a bottle of gin. Serve same as whiskey straight.

El Dorado Punch. (Use large bar glass.) 1tablespoonful of fine sugar, 1tablespoonful of water, 1 pony of brandy. pony of Bourbon whiskey. 3/8 pony of Jamaica rum. I slice of lemon. Fill the glass with ice, shake well, trim with fruits, serve with straws.

Fancy Brandy Smash. (Use large bar glass.)

2 teaspoonfuls of fine sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls of water. 4 pieces of mint, rubbed to bring out the flavor. 3/8 glass of shaved ice. 1wine glass of brandy. Mix well, strain into a fancy bar glass.

Fancy Gin Cocktail. (Use small bar glass.)

3 dashes of gum syrup. 3 dashes of Caron1Bitters, 1 wine glass of gin.

(See next page.)


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