1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

Jamaica Rum Sour,

(Use large bar glass.)

2 tablespoonfuls of fine sugar. Dash of mineral water, 4 clashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass f full of fine ice. 1 wine glass of Jamaica rum. Mix well, strain into a sour glass, trim with fruit and serve.

Mikado Cocktail.

(Use small bar glass.)

dash of

1 tables] )Oonful of orgeat syrup, 1 Caroni Bitters. 2 pieces of lemon peel. Fill the glass half full of ice. 1 wine glass of brandy.

Mix well, strain

into a cocktail glass.

Jersey Cocktail.

(Use small bar glass.)

2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 2 dashes of Caroni Bitters. 7 lumps of ice, fill with cider. Mix well, and serve with lemon peel over.

John Collins. (Use largest size bar glass.)

1 teaspoonful of fine sugar, 2 dashes of lemon juice.

1 wine glass of gin, V->

doz. lumps of ice.

Mix well, and take out

1 bottle of soda.

the spoon.


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