1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

Fill with fine ice, mix

Italian vermouth.

well, strain into a cocktail glass.

Med ford Rum Punch.

(Use large bar glasi.;

3 dashes of


tableSpoonfuls of


lemon juice. Water to dissolve the above. line ice. 1^2 wine glass of Medford ram. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. with fruits, serve with straws.

Fill with

Mix well, trim

Medford Rum Smash.

(Use large bar glass.)

2 tablespoonf uls of sugar, water to dissolve the sugar. 3 sprigs of mint pressed, y 2 glass of shaved ice. 1 wine glass of Medford rum, Mix well, strain into a sour glass, add sprig of mint,

Medford Rum Sour.

(Use large bar glass.)

sugar, 4 dashes of

2 tablespoonfuls of

lemon juice. 1 shaved ice. 1

squirt of mineral water,

glass of

Mix well,

wine glass of Medford rum.

strain into a sour glass, trim with fruit.


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