1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller

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32 drops of essence of ambergis. Dissolve in three gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent;then add a syrup made of 42 lbs. of sugar and 41^ gallons of -water. Color rose.

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72. Cordial.

32 drops of oil of cinnamon. 24 do. do. cloves. 24 do. do. mace. 48 do. do. peppeimint.

Dissolve in 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent; add a syrup made of 42 lbs.of sugar and 4.^ gallons of water. Filter. 73. Cordial, Bright Pearl. (Jelly)

2 ounces of candied lemons. 2 do lemon peel. 2 do candied ginger. 4 do. raw ginger.

Boil for 20 minutes in 2 gallons of water, strain it, and add to the strained liquor a jelly made of the fol lowing ingredients: 4 ounces of currant jelly. 2 do. almonds blanched and broken. 1 do. almonds, bitter" " 2 do. St. John's bread, broken and mashed. I do. conserve of white roses. I do. ginger powdered. I do. cinnamon powdered. I do mace. V2 pint of lemon juide, 7 gallons of fourth-proof ■spirit, 2 ounces of isinglass dissolved in water; put this together in a stone pot well covered; then take 6 lbs. .

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