1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller



63 drops of oil of roses. 126 do. oil of cloves. 200 do. essence of amber. Dissolve in xo gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. 138. Eau de Cologne au Muse. 21 ounces of oil of orange. 21 do. n oil of bergamot. 2 5-8 ^ do. oil of neroly. ^

69-16 do. oil of lavender. 315-16 do. oil of rosemary.

63 drops of oil of roses. 126 do. oil of cloves. %ounce essence of musk. Dissolve in 10 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.

139. Eau Cordial.

I ounce of myrrh. 4 do. cinnamon. 4 do. cardamom.

Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3 gallons of al cohol, 95 per cent, and 31/2 gallons of water. Distil over 3 gallons of flavored spirit; then add 8 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 61/2 gallons of water. Filter. 140. Eau de Cumin. I ounce of oil of caraway seed dissolved in 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent, and then add 8 lbs of sugar dis solved in 6Y2 gallons of water. Filter. 141. Eau Divine. lYs lbs. of fresh lemon peel, the yellow onl)^. %lb. of coriander-seed.

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