1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller


35. 69th Regiment Punch. (In earthen tnug.) wine-glass of Irish whisky. yi do. do. Scotch do. I teaspoonful of sugar. 1 piece of lemon. 2 wine-glasses of hot water. 36. Louisiana Sugar-House Punch. (From a recipe in the pos.session of Col. T. B.TroupeJ To one quart of boiling syrup,taken frt^n, the kettles, add whisky or brandy to suit the "patient." Flavor with the juice of sour oranges. 37. Dry Punch. . , v,r,fina the celebrated Spanish caterer.) (From a recipe hy Santwa, i-uc

2 gallons of brandy. I do. water. Y2 do. tea. I pint of Jamaica rum. do. of Curacoa. The juice of six lemons. lb. white sugar,


, Mix thoroughly, and stroin, as already described in the recipe for '^Punch a la FordP adding more sugar and lemon juice, if to taste. Bottle, and keep on ice ?or three or four days, and the punch will Be ready for nse, but the longer it stands, the better it gets.

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38. La Patria Punch. (For n party of t\vent3-.)

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oossession of H.P.Leland, Esq.) .

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(From a recipe in the p

3 bottles champagne, iced.

I bottle of Cognac.



6 oranges.

Made with