1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller



104. Whiskey Cobbler. (Use large bar glass.

2 wine glasses of whiskey. 1 table-spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 slices of orange. Fill tumbler with ice,and shake well. Imbibe through a straw. 105. THE COCKTAIL AND CRUSTA. "The "Cocktail is a modern invention, and is gener ally used on fishing and other sporting parties, although some patients insist that it is good in the morning as a tonic. The "Crusta" is an improvementon the "Cock tail," and is said to have been invented by Santina, a celebrated Spanish caterer. 106. Bottle Cocktail. To make a splendid bottle of brandy cocktail, use the following ingredients: y-i brandy. Yi water. I pony-glass of Bogart's bitters. The author has always used this receipt in compound ing the above beverage for connoiseurs. Whiskey and gin cocktails, in bottles, may be made by using t above receipt, and substituting those liquors instead ot brandy. 107. P' " (L 1 - r g.asa. 3 or 4 dashes of gum a)rup. 2 do. bitters (Bogart's.) '■+aiK I wine glass of gum syrup. Yi pony-glass of Curafoa.


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