1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor



The juice of lialf a lemon. 1 dash of Curaçoa. 1 wineglass of brandy. Fill the glass witli shaved ice, shake, and strain into a claret-glass. Ornament witli orange and bcrries. Egg Sour. (Use small barglass.) Take 1 teaspoouful of powdered sugar. 3 daslies of lemon juice. 1 pony of Curaçoa. 1 pony of brandy. 1 egg. 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. Shake up well, and remove the ice before serviug. Apple Toddy. (Use medium barglass, liot.) Take 1 large teaspoouful of fine sugar dissolved iu 1 little boiling-hot water 1 wineglass of brandy (applejack). ^ of a baked apple. Fill the glass two thirds full of boiling water, stir up, and grate a little nutmeg on top. Serve with a spoon.

Pousse l’Amour. (Use a sherry-glass.)

Take Y> glass of maraschino. Yolk of 1 egg.

Sufficient vanilla cordial to surround tlie egg. 1 tablespoonful of fine old brandy.

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