1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor


THE MIXICOLOGIST. Fine Lemonade for Parties. (One gallon.)

Take the rind of 8 lemons. Juice of 12 lemons.

2 pounds of loaf sugar. i gallon boiling water.

Rub the rinds of the eight lemons on the sugar until it has absorbed ail the oil from tliem, and put it with the remainder of the sugar into a jug; add the lemon juice (but no pips), and pour over the whole the boiling water. When the sugar is dis- solved strain the lemonade tlirough a piece of mus- lin, and when cool it will be ready for use. The lemonade will be much improved by having the wliites of four eggs beateu up with it. A larger or smaller quantity of tliis can be made by increasing or dimiuishing the iugredients used.

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