1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor



ancl offensive smell while gerininating. A good buyer will, by the use of a skillful hand, estimate very closely the weight per bushel in bulk. His eye will tell him if the grain has been eut before being ripe, in which case there will be a variety in the color of the barley-corns, some being bright and sonie a dead, grayish ÿellow. In conséquence of being sown in spring, and not undergoing the equalizing tendency of winter, barley is, of ail grain, the most liable to ripen in a patchy manner. and not corne to perfection simultaneously. The buyer has also to judge if it has been lieated, or “ mow-burnt,” while lyiug in the field after being eut, or in the stack. DETROIT BREWIMG 00 ■5

Brewers of the Famous Brands and Export Beers. Absolutely Pure, Wholesome, and Delicious.




Corrcspondencc Solicited.

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