1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Manhattan Cocktail. (Medium-size g lass.) Take r dash Schroeder's bitters.

r half barspoonful syrup. r half jigger vermouth. ·

r half jigger whiskey. 2 dashes of maraschino. Stir well in glass previously filled with fine ice ; strain in cool cocktail-glass.

Improved Brandy Cocktail. (Use ordinary barglass.) . Take 2 dashes .Schroeder's or Angostura.

2 dashes gum syrup. 2 dashes maraschino

r dash absinthe. f8 jigger brandy. Stir well, and strain with fruit and twisted lemon– peel in a cool champagne-glass.

Martinez Cocktail. (Use medium-size g lass.)

Take 2 dashes orange bitters. r dash syrup. Yz jigger Old Tom gin. Yz jigger vermouth. Stir well, and strain into cocktail glass; add one imported cherry.

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