1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Vermouth Cocktail. (Use large barg lass. ) Fill g lass two thirds full fine ice. T ake 2 clashes ma raschino.

2 dashes Angostura or Schroeder's bitters. r jigger vermouth Stir, and s train into cocktail-glass; fruit if desired. Absinthe Cocktail. (Use medium-si ze g lass.) Fill glass nearly full fine ice ; cool off claret-glass while preparing. T ake 2 dashes Schroeder's or Angostura bitters. 2 dashes anisette. yi jigger absinthe. Add a little water; stir well, and strain into claret– g l2ss. Improved Tom Gin Cocktail. (Use m edium-size g lass.) Fill with fine ice. T ake r clash Curac;oa. 2 clash es bitters (some preferring orange only). r jigger Old Tom. Stir well, and strain in cool cocktail-glass. Wachholderbeeren Hahnschwanz. Prepared in same manner, using two dashes syrup instead of Cnrac;oa and Holland g in.

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