1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Brandy Punch. (Use la rge barg lass.) T ake r t easpoonful of powde red sugar , di ssolved 'in a little water.* r w ineglass of b randy. Yz wineglass of J amaica rum. Juice of half a lemon . 2 slices of orange. r piece of pineapple. F ill the tumbler wit~shaved ice; sh ak e u p thor– oughly, and dress the t op with berries in season ; serve with a straw. Brandy and Rum Punch. 1(Use large barg lass.) T ake r t ablespoonful of powdered s ugar, d is- solved in a little wat er . r wineglass of Santa Cru z rum. Yz wineglass of brandy . J u1ce of half a small lemon. 1 slice of orange (cut in qua rters .) I piece of pineapple. F ill the tumbler with shaved ice; sh ak e well , a nd dress the top with sliced lime a nd b erries in season ; ser ve w ith a st raw. Hot Brandy. In hot wh isk ey-g lass put one lump cut-loaf sugar , enough h ot water to dissolve, one jigger brandy; fi ll g lass to with in h alf an inch of the t op ·wit h hot water, nutmeg on top ; ser ve w ith s poon in g lass

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