1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


Brandy Smash. (Use small ba rglass.)

Take I barspoonful of suga r. 2 tablespoonfuls of water.

3 or 4 sprigs of tender mint. r wineglass full of brandy.

Press the· mint in the s ugar and water to ex tract the flavor, add the brandy, and fill the g lass two thirds full of shaved ice; stir tho rou t;U y, a nd orn a– - meut with half a slice of orang0 ctnd a few fresh sprigs of mint; serve with a straw.

Gin Smash. (Use s:nall bnrt[lass. )

Take r barspoon ful of sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls of wateL r wineglass of g in.

3 or 4 sprigs of tender mint. Put the mint in the g lass, then the su gar and · water; mash the mint to extract the fl avor; add the g in, and fill up the g lass with sni.n,-ed ict;; stir up well, and ornament with two or three .fre sh sprigs of mint.

Whiskey Smash. (Use small barg lass.)

T ake r barspoon ful of sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls of water.

3 or 4 sprigs of young mint. I wineglass of whi skey. Proceed exactly as directed i11 the last recipe.

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