1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


bottle of Claret ; slice in two lemons and two oranges, also some pineapple; pour in the claret; mix well, and just before serving put in one quart of domestic Champagne. Serve with square piece of ice in the bowl. Creme de Menthe. Fill sherry-glass with fine ice, pour in Creme de Menthe over the ice until giass is full; serve with one straw in glass. Eggnog in Quantity. Two and a half gallons. Separate the whites from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep– arately-the whites until very stiff, the yolks until very thin ; put the yolks in large bowl, add three pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly to pre_ vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, o~e pint Jamaica aum, two gallons rich milk. While stirring- put in an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the whites on top. When serving, cut off a small quan– tity of white and put on top of glass with a dash of nutmeg. Apple Brandy Cocktail. Fill mixing glass two thirds full of ice, small bar– spoonful syrup, two dashes Schroeder's bitters, three dashes Curac;ao, one jigger apple brandy. Stir well; strain in cocktail-glass.

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