1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Whiskey· Punch. (Chicago style.}

Take two same sized mixing glasses, fill with ice, put four dashes syrup, four dashes lemon, one jigger whiskey in one of the mix ing glasses; place the other on top, reversing until cold, then strain from both into cool glass, holding them firmly ; add fruit . St. Croix or Jamaica Rum Punch. In same manner as whiskey punch.

Cazaracino. Dedicated to COL. W. B. SMITH, C. BROWN, NIC. KOSS, AND F. A. BRADLEY.

Make some lemonade, strain into pitcher, then half fill some thin glasses with ice, put in some Cazarac cognac, and fill up with the lemonade.


Bijou Cocktail.

Take Ys Grand Marnier. Ys Vermouth. Ys Plymouth Gin.

Mix and strain ; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier can also be served iii pony-glass like any liquor.

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