1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


Osl{aml?.?".~':?.!~~-~g & FIRST-CLASS BAR APPURTENANCES, Wine Coolers, Ice Tubs, Bar Pitchers, Julep Strain– ers, Bar Spoons, Sugar Sifters, Etc

Xo. 242 8 . l·l kt. Gold, Huntiug, .Euginc·Turued Case, 1a L, with 5·m inute Re· peuter, Nickel, Full Ruby·Jewcled throughout-ndjusted Girard Perregnux .,,, Movement, Arabic Figures iu Black , Red ~l nrginnl lllinutes. Th is \VtLtch, like all of our Wntcbes, goes wit h our persounl guarantee. Wc wnrrnn t all of our Watches for o ne year. If they need clean ing, we clean 'em . Ji Main· spring hrenks, wh ich sometimes occurs when u chnnge of temperature tnkes place, or nny other breakage ha ppens tbat was not caused by carelessness or by accident, it costs yon nothing for rcpnirs. The price of this 5-minu te Repeater is $ 125.00. IF YOU THINK OF BUYING A DlilMOND 1 WilTCH, GLOGK 1 FINE JEWELRY, SILf!ERWilRE, ETC. Write for our" BLUE BOOK." It will give you new ideas and illustrations of over 2,000 fine articles suitable for present s or your own use. OSKAMP, NOLTING &. CO., WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL JEWELERS, Fifth and Vine Streets, CINCINNATI, O . 7a OlnIECE OF

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