1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


buy the coffee already ground, fo r it loses its fine flavor m ore rapidly when in the ground form than when whole. Have a small coffeemill and grind it yourself. A mi~ure of two or more kinds o f coffee will '"give the most satisfactory result. T wo third s J ava, with one third Mocha, will make a rich , smooth coffee. N ow for the recipe : Put one cup ful o f roasted coffee into a small fryingpa n, and stir it over the fire until ho t, being care ful not to burn it. ; Grind the coffee rather coarse and put it in a com- mon coffeepot. Beat on e egg ·well, and add three tablespoonful s _of cold wat er to it. S tir this mi x– ture into the coffee. Pour one quart o f b o iling _:vater on the coffee, and place the p ot on the fire . Stir the coffee until it boils,· being careful not to let it boil over; then place on the b ack o f the stove, where it will just bubbl e, for ten minutes . Pour a little of the coffee into a cup, and return it to the pot. Do this several times . This is t o free the nozzle of the particles of coffee and egg which may have lodged there. Place the coffeepot where it will keep warm, but not get so hot th at the contents w ill bubble. A fter it has stood for five minutes, strain it into a hot coffeepot, and send to the table at once.

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