1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

LETTF..R WRITERS. - l'rlartine's Sensible Letter-Writ.er. Being a comprehensive and complete Guide and Assistant for those who desire to carry on Episto– l'll'Y Correspondence; containing a large collection of model letters on the simplest matters of life, adapted to all ages, conditions andoccaslona, EMBRAOING, B•uiruu Ldllra: LeiUra of Courtay, Friendohip and Lpptications for Employment, with Affection; . Letteri of Recom~ation and Letters of Condolence and Sympal.hy: A118Wtr& to .Adverti1en,,.nl8 ; A Choice Cotteotion of Love -Letter&, Letter& betw

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