1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)



124.' Clr~e iily lBonquet.


A goblet with fine ice,

3 dashes of gum, 2 ponies of absinthe, 2 ponies of benedictine, 2 dashes of creme de roses, 1 dash of anisette, the whites of two eggs.

Shake very well, strain, and serve.


a spoonful of sugar, ~ glassful of fine ice, 1 ~ ponies of brandy, 1 ~ ponies of Jamaica rum, 1 dash of maraschino, 2 ponies of cream, a few drops-ef creme de roJes; shake this well.

Whip the whites of the l!ggs into a snowy foam with a little sugar. Pour out your drink into two glasses, and crown the whole with the foam. 126.

A large, thin glass,

the juice of half a lemon, a squirt of Seltzer,

a spoonful of sugar; mix well; a glass of claret; mix this again. Fill your glass with fine ice to the top; put some ice-cream on top; ornament with orange and berries in season.


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