1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



S. 1tbsintlJc (!Iocktail.

A goblet of shaved ice,

z dashes of maraschino, 1 dash of bitters (orange),

1 dash of anisette, 1 pony of absinthe. Stir very well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. 9.

a little vino vermouth, 1 pony of Old Tom gin, z dashes of ora nge bitters, z dashes of cura<{ao. Stir well, and strain into a fancy glass. 10.


A glass with ice,

X drink of kilmmel, X drink of vino vermouth, 4 dashes of absinthe, 1 dash of bitters (orange),

3 dashes of gum, 1 dash of anisett~.

Stir, strain, and serv~.

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