1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



4. <1LIJc iIDclicious Sour.

A goblet with the juice of a lime, a squirt of seltzer, a spoonful of sugar, Yz of apple-jack,

Yz of peach brandy, the white of a n egg. Fill your glass with ice, shake well, strain, and serve.

5. ®ricntal lBranh-!2 .£four.

Into a mixing-glass squeeze the juice of half a lemon, a barspoonful of sugar, the juice of half an orange, the white of an egg, a drink of peach brandy. Fill the glass with cracked ice, shake to the freezing-point, strain into a fancy glass, and serve.

6. illlJiskc~ Sour.

A goblet with the juice of half a lemon or lime in the bottom, a squirt of seltzer, a little sugar; mix this; % full of ice, a drink of whiskey; mix this well. Strain, and serve.

It is made as a whiskey sour; only put a dash of some cordial on top, such as chartreuse or curac;ao.

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