1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William


12. mlJe ®reat '.2lppeti)er.

Fill a glass with ice,

3 dashes of gum, 7f pony of absinthe, 2 dashes of bitters (calisaya), 1 dash of orange bitters, r dash of vino vermouth.

Stir this well, strain, and serve.

13. 1Bon-'.2lppdit.

A goblet two-thirds full of fine ice, 2 dashes of gum, r dash of bitters, 1 dash of absinthe, % of vino vermouth, ~ of sherry wine. Stir well, strain, and serve.

14. '.2lppdi)1't" a l' Jtalimm. % of vino vermouth, ~of Fernet branca, r dash of absinthe, 2 dashes of gum. A little ice in the glass, stir well, strain, and serve. 15. Jr''.2lttror.e.

A goblet filled with fine ice, 1 dash of gum,

2 dashes of orange bitters, ~ of vino vermouth, % of Old Tom gin, 1 dash of absinthe, I dash of maraschino. Stir, strain, and serve with a little fruit.

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