1899 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor
Whiskey and Glycerine. Half tablespoonful pure glycerine, one jigger of whiskey. This is a most excellent remedy for a cold or any disease of the throat or lungs. When possi ble, it should be taken a spoonful at a time at inter vals of a half hour, letting it trickle down the throat. If the taste is not agreeable, a teaspoonful of wintergreen essence will make it palatable. Claret Flip. Fill mixing-glass two thirds full of fine ice, large barspoonful sugar, two jiggers claret, one egg; shake well, strain in star champagne glass, nutmeg on top.
Wedding Punch. pint of pineapple juice.
I pint oflemon juice. X pint oflemon syrup. I, pint of claret or port wine % pound of sugar, pint of boiling water. 6 grains of vanilla. I grain of ambergris. I pint of strong brandy.
Rub the vanilla and ambergris with the sugar in the brandy thoroughly; let it stand in a corked bottle for a few hours, shaking occasionally. Then add the lemon juice, pineapple juice and wine; filter through flannel, and lastly add the syrup.
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