1899 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor
Brandy Fizz. (Use medium barglass.) Take i teaspoonful of powdered sugar.
3 dashes of lemon,juice. I wineglass of brandy. Fill with ice, shake well and strain. Fill up the glass with Apollinaris or Seltzer water. Gin Fizz. (Use medium barglass.) Take i teaspoonful of powdered sugar. 3 dashes of lemon juice. I wineglass of Old Tom gin. Fill with ice, shake well and strain. Fill up the glass with Apollinaris or Seltzer water, stir thoroughly and serve. Silver Fizz. (Use large barglass.) Take i tablespoonful of pulverized sugar. 3 dashes of lemon or lime juice. The white of one egg. 1 wineglass of Old Tom gin. 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. Shake up thoroughly, strain into a medium bar- glass, and fill it up with Seltzer water. Manhattan Milk Punch. Same as the Cold Milk Punch,with the addition of five drops of aromatic tincture.
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