1899 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Soda Cocktail. Take lemonade-glass two thirds full of ice, one desertspoonful ofsugar,two dashes Schroeder's bit ters,lemon peel, bottle Trilby soda water; stir, and serve in same glass.

Apollinaris Lemonade. (Use lemonade-glass.)

Mash one whole lemon, one large spoonful sugar, half fill with ice, fill up with the Apollinaris water y stir, and strain into thin glass, adding fruit. Seltzer Lemonade. In same manner as Apollinaris, using Seltzer or Imperial water, the last being a very fine water known as Wagner's Imperial. This drink, although simple in name, is very important in first class bars. One good-sized lemon, peeled, cut in half, one and one half large spoonfuls sugar, the lemon well pressed; fill glass two thirds full of ice, fill with water, and shake thoroughly, and strain carefully into thin glass, or serve with straws, adding fruit according to customer's wish. Can be made sour, and with Apollinaris or Seltzer according to order. Lemonade.

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