1891 Cocktail Botthby's American Bar-Tender


LOCOMOTIVE. 92. Into a large mixing-glass place a tablesr•oonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of honey, a pony of Cura9oa, the yolk of one egg and a claret glass of claret. Mix well and boil in a saucepan. Take another saucepan and pour the drink from one pan to the other until the mixture attains a smooth appearance. .Pour into a large mug, grate nutmeg over wp, add a slice of lemon and serve.

MILK PUNCH, HOT. 93. Make the same as Cold Milk Punch with hot milk substituted for cold milk and ice. (&e Recipe No. 230.)



A SOUTHERN WINTER DRINK. Dissolve a teaspoonful of sugar in a hot-water glass half full of boiling water. Fill the glass with St. Julien wine, add a slice of lemon, grate nutmeg over top and serve.

MULLED OR HOT WINE. 95. Dissolve six large spoonfuls of sugar and the juice of six lemons in half a pint of boiling water. Heat a bottle of the desired brand of wine to a boiling point in a clean metallic vessel, and add the flavored water to it. Spice well with nutmeg, add a sprig of mint or verbena, and sene in thin glassware.



A SiliiPLE RECIPE FOR ANY WINE. Dissolve one-quarter pound of sugar in one pint of boiling water, add the juice of six lemons and one and one-half bottlc:s of the desired wine. Keep over the fire until just ready to boil. In the interim beat up the whites of one dozen eggs until they appear like froth, and place them in a punch bowl which has been heated. Then pour in the hot mixture (stirring rapidly to prevent the egg'! from cooking), spice well and serve in thin gla8:;ware. N. B.-Don't pour the eggs into the wine.

PORTER MULLED, OR HOT PORTER. 97. The same as mulled ale, with Dubl;n stout substituted for ale. (&e Recipe No. 70.)

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