1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

Ciioioe Temperancs Recitations. Besides contain* , in^ Uie larpest number oftemperance recitations to be fmind in one book,there -is an endless variety suitable for delivery on all occasions. Among the hiinrtred or more may bo mciitioneil: "Spike That Gun," "I'll take What Father Takes," "Please Don't Sell My Father Rum," "The Last Drink," "Lips That Touch Liquor Must Never Touch Mine," "Loved Papa. When Will You Come Home Again?" "Playing Drunkard," "What Strong Drink Will Do,"and a hundred others. HandsomePaper covers printed in threecolors 25 cts. Red Silk Ciolh, back and side stamped in gold. SO cts. Holiday Entertainments." In preparing for Washing- , ton's and Lincoln's Birth days, Commencements, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Decoration Day and Sund.iy-School Entertain ments, you will find this the best book published. Besides the following well known selections, tliere are .almost a hundred others: "Amiie and Willie's Prayer;" "Come and Bring the Children, Too;" "The Last Hymn;" "Our Choir;" "Saved by a Child," "Under the Snow;" "Too Late;" "Our Minister's Ser mon "True Heroism "The Golden Wedding;""A Trial of En durance;" "Christmas Eve;" "Compliments of the Season;" "Independence Bell;" "Washington's Birthday;" "Lincoln;" "Valedictory;""ThanksgivingSermon." H.andsome paper covers printed in three colors 2.5 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold M ct& Pnmm Donititinnrt thisassortmentof comic, humor- UUlllIu lluulldUUIIb- ous and dialect, there is not a piece thatcannot be used on almost any occasion. This is the very best collection of its kind published,and among the hundred or more pieces are found the following well known selectloiis: "The Bachelor's Sale;" "How a Woman Rides on a Street Car;" "Farmer Stcbbina at Ocean Grove;" "Love in a Balloon;" "Mick's Courtship;" "A Naughty Little Girl's View of Life;" "Wedding Fee;" "That Baby in Tuscaloo:" "Katrijja Sees a Game of Football;" "Popping the Question;" "Charge of De Dutch Brigade;" "Only a Pin;""How DennisTook the Pledge;" "Sch.ake und Agers." Handsome paper covers printed in three colors 25 cts. Red silk cloth,back and side stamped in gold 60cts. The Century Book of Recitations. •with Introdnc , tory cbaptera on hints,style of delivery and principles of Elocution. This book of2.^6 pages possesses many uniquefeatures; the recitations are decldetlly choice, being carefully selected will „ . . b special reference to their rendition on all occasions. The treatise on ElocuUou is ftill enough for all purposes and will acquaint the reader suf ficiently with the prlnvlpies employed in the delivery of the most difficult selections,of which the book contains nearly 100. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors 25 cts. Bed silk cloth,back and sidestamped in gold ^cts. The tlenneberry Company Make Good Books. £eDd for their complete cotaloeue.

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