1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan


GIN AND MILK. (Use whisky glass.)

Put out a glass and bar spoon with the bottle of gin, allowing the customer to help himself; after he has done so, fill up the glass with ice-cold milk.


HARI-KARI. (Use small bar .glass.)

Make a whisky sour large enough to half fill a brandy glass or tumbler when strained, and fill with Apollinaris, Seltzer or Vichy to suit the party. Dress with fruits in season. BRANDY JULEP. (Use small bar glass.) Is made the same as Mint Julep, omitting the fancy fixings, however.

CHAMPAGNE JULEP. (Use large bar glass.)

1 tablespoonful white pulverized sugar. 1 sprig mint; press to extract the essence. Pour the wine into the glass slowly, stirring gently continually. Dress with sliced orange, grapes and berries, tastily, and serve.

GIN JULEP. (Use large bar glass.)

Fill with shaved ice. 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar, Vz wine-glass water.

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