1902 Fox's Bartender's Guide

Whiskey Punch. Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a llttle 'vater. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.

Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch. Tise medittm bar glass -warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.

Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using. Philadelphia Fish-House Punch. One-third pint lemon juice. Three-quarter pound white sugar, dissolved in sufficient water.

One-half pint Cognac brandy. One-quarter pint peach brandy. One-quarter pint Jamaica rum. Two and a half pints cold water. Ice and serve.


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