1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

J wine gla'ss of French vermuth. J wine glass of maple gin. Spoon well and strain into a cocktail glass ; put in a cherry and twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.


Use a mixing glass.

i large spoonful of sugar. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice.

Fill up the glass with fine ice, the balance with water; shake well in a shaker, dash with port wine, ornament with fruit in sea'son, and serve with straws.


Use a mixing glass.

Fill with fine ice. 2 da'shes of orange bitters. dash of absinthe. 2 dashes of parfait d'amour. ^ wine glass of Scotch whiskey. i wine gla'ss of French vermuth. i

Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry, twist a piece of orange peel on top, and serve.


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