1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

well in a squirt of seltzer. \ pony glass of yellow chartreuse. Fill the glass with shaved ice.

i wine glass of good whiskey.

Stir well with spoon and strain into a fancy glass, decorate with fruit, and serve. A daisy in fact as well as in name and a very smooth concoction.


Use a mixing glass.

\ jigger of Plymouth gin. \ jigger of Italian vermuth. Cracked ice. i piece of orange, which should be put in at the end. In cutting the orange go deep enough to get some of the pulp, as the oil of the orange and the fruit together make a delightful blend; strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. This drink was named after the renowned inventor, Signor Marconi, and is as modern as that gentleman's system of wireless telegraphy.


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