1903 The Bachelor Book


THE CHAFING DISH. EST peradVentare there should be living any so

unhappy as to be un acquainted With the JK Chafing Dish and its manifold uses, let it be said right here that it is an ingenious cooking

utensil devised by the Ancients, Which, after suffering a period of barbarous neglect, is now rightly restored to its proper place in the service of man. M So far back as 262 B.C., a Creek poet, in praising the skill of an Attic cook, says: "He cooked a fish so suc cessfully in the Chafing Dish that it gaVe him grateful and admiring glances as he turned it in the pan." Though We benighted XXth century folk cannot hope to rival the achievement of the Attic cook as chronicled by the poet, to-day many of us find the Chafing Dish of exceeding great use. Dy its aid a dinner or supper can be quickly cooked and served by host or hostess at the Very table itself, and that, too. With but little or no aid from servants,

The method of using a Chaf ing Dish and its few acces sories, and the management of the spirit lamp, may be learned only from actual de monstration, which, hoWeVer, does not generally take more than a few minutes.M M M

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