1903 The Bachelor Book


Oyster Soup.—One quart of oysters, one dessertspoon of flour, two tablespoons of butter, one quart of milk, salt and pepper. Stir the butter and flour together in the blazer. Add the milk and the strained liquor from the oysters. When it boils, put in the oysters, salt and pepper. Serve with biscuits. "Some are weather wise,some arc otherwise." Pigs in Blankets. — Drain and wipe large

oysters. Pin around each a thin slice of bacon. Fasten it witha wooden tooth-pick. Cook them in the hot blazer until the bacon is brown and crisp.

"Three may keep a secret if two oE them are dead."

Saute of Mushrooms,—Cut the mushrooms in small pieces with a silver knife. Melt two tablespoons of butter in the blazer, put in the mushrooms and cook them ten minutes. Stir in a tablespoon offlour. Add one cup of water in which has been dissolved one teaspoon of beef extract. "Foois make feasts,and wise men cat them." Scolloped Oysters.—Put layers of buttered bread crumbs, well seasoned with salt and pepper, and layers of oysters, in the blazer over hot water. Have crumbs for the last layer. Cover the pan and cook ten minutes. "Fish and visitors smell in three days." Shirred Eggs.—Brush the blazer with butter. Break in six eggs. Cover the pan and cook over the boiling water. Eat and get heat, poor starved mortal 1

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