1903 The Bachelor Book
|mS|80NE by Motlirr S<;i({el, IPI in a Ilmlicd edition,for a few of tlic iiuineious friends who liave bowrd to l(,rr after many ine.ilt- for llie enioynient and good fcclinR wIUcli attend perfect diKextlon. The"Baclielor Booh"1» not for 9Alr,but to those wlio have received It,one eaira copy will be fiirniahrd on receipt of hatf- a-crown. M Jt M M M M ■A. J. WIHTK, Lihiic.ii, l,eiisn livsi. nei'is ill itce. It* itiiei pixKluct 3eiKul'ti 9vrui> - lH *«li1 in hII |iiiitu' 01 tlin wurld. 'Ilia Ciiiiifwuy Iihv liiiiiielie^, lalioiatoriae, aiul aK*ot» intixteaiiiouiitiiak,laiK|ittiilli«it at ;£t,eoaeJou, uiid ia nuduubtailly tlin liirieat ptupriatiirai u uiaill- ciitui «pcci»lit,r III tka world.
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