1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

How to 1\llix All Kinds of Drinks.


to a pint of l!urrants (freed from stems) and a table– spoonful of sugar. Heat these slowly in a porcelain or granitized iron kettle until it boils, then let it simmer for five min– utes. Strain it through a cloth, let cool, and sweeten again to taste. It can be diluted with water. If strawberries, raspberries, black raspberries, or blackberries are used, prepare them in the same man– ner, excepting that for each quart of berries a pint of water with a tablesp~onful of sugar should be used. TAMARIND WATER. Stir into a glassful of water a tablespoonful of pre– ~erved tamarinds. TOAST WATER. Toast thoroughly thin slices of graham bread, and break them into a bowl. Pour over enough boiling water to cover it when cold; strain off the water and sweeten it slightly. Serve it always freshly made. WHITE WINE WHEY. Put two pints of new milk in a saucepan, and stir it over a clear fire till it is nearly boiling; then add a quarter qf a pint of sherry, and simmer for a quarter of an hour, skimming off the curd as it rises. Then add a tablespoonful more sherry, and skim again for a few minutes, till the whey is clear; sweeten with loaf sugar, if required. Or the whey can be made in the same manner with lemon juice (free from seeds) , using the juice of half

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