1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
The Complete Bvtffet Gvtide , or
CLARET COBBLER. (Use large b ar glass .) 1 t easpoonful sugar, dissol ved in one-fourth wine· glass water. I slice of or ange, cut into quarters. 2 wine-glasses claret. Fill glass with fine ice and dress with fruits. Serv8 wi th a st-.·aw. HOCK COBBLER. Same as Catawba , using Hock wine instead.
PORT WINE COBBLER. (Use large ba r gl ass .)
I t easpoonful powdered suga r. 1 pony of orchard syrup. Fill glass with shaved ice. I ,%' wine-glass pp rt win ." ~ti.r w ·11; re55 with frui t a.nLl serve.
RHINE WINE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.)
3 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. 1 wine-glass water. 2 wine-gl asses Rhine wine. Fill glass ·w-ith shaved ice ; stir well ; ornament with fruits, and serve with a straw.
SAUTERNE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .) .
I teaspoonful powdered sugar. X wine-glass orchard syrup.
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