1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
How to ~Jix All Kinds of Drinks .
Fill glass with sh aved ice. 2 wine-glasses Sauterne. Stir well; dress with fr uits; se rve with straw.
SHERRY COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .)
1 tablespoonful powdered suga r. 1 or 2 slices of orange, cut into quart ers.
Fill glass with shaved ice, then fill up with sherry; -6hake well and ornament t op with fruit tastily . Serve with a straw.
WHISKEY COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .)
1 ,Y2 wine-glasses of whisky . 1 tablespoonful white sugar , di solved w 11. 1 .U talJ1e poonful pineapple yrup , or slic of orange, cut into quart ers . Fill glass with shaved ice; stir well and dress with fruit s, b erri es, etc ., and serve with a straw.
AUDITORIUM COOLER. (Use la rge bar glass. )
Jui ce of 1 lemon. I t easpoonful white sugar. I bottle cold ginger ale. Stir well; ornament with fruit, berries and serve.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN COOLER. (Use large bar glass. )
I egg beaten up . I teaspoonful white sugar.
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