1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


Tlie Complete Buffet Guide, or

APPLE JACK FIX. (Use small bar glass.) Same as Brandy or Whisky Fix, using apple jack instead. BRANDY FIX. (Use small bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 2 teaspoonfuls powdered white sugar, dissolved in half wine-glass water. U pony glass pineapple syrup, or juice of a quarter of a lemon. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 3 dashes of Curacoa. Stir with a spoon. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw. GIN FIX. (Use small bar g1ass.) 1 large tablespoonful powdered white sugar in a little water. U pony pineapple or raspberry syrup. The juice of a quarter of a lemon. Fi11 glass with shaved ice. One wine-glass of Hol– land gin. Stir well. Dress with fruits and serve with a straw.

ST. CROIX OR SANTA CRUZ FIX. (Use a small bar glass.)

Fill glass with shaved ice. I teaspoonful powdered white sugar. U wine-glass water. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.

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