1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

H ow to Mix A ll K inds of Drinks.


Mi x 3 or 4 das hes Absinthe in a little water. 3 dashes lime juice. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. X teaspoonful powdered white sugar. The white of 1 egg. A wine-gl ass of whisky. Shake well in a shaker and strain; fill balance of glass with Seltzer, Apollinaris or Vichy water. Drink immediately or the effect will be lost. It is a morning beverage, a tonic and a nerve quieter.

MORNING CALL. (Use large bar glass.)

X jigger lime or lemon juice. X jigger Maraschino. X jigger Absinthe. X glass shaved ice. Dress with fruits and serve with straws.

SILVER FIZZ. (Use large bar glass.)

I tablespoonful powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon or lime jdce. 1 wine-glass Old Tom gin. The white of an egg. Fill with shaved ice; shake up well; strain into a fizz glass. Fill the glass with Seltzer from a syphon and drink immediately. WHISKY FIZZ. I teasponful powdered or fine white sugar.

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