1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
The Complete Buffet Guide, or
MEDFORD RUM PUNCH. (Use large bar glass .)
Fill glass with shaved ice. r teaspoonful powdered suga r. 2 or 3 das hes lemon juice.
r X glass Medford rum. r dash of J amaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw. MILK PUNCH. (Use large ba r glass .) 1-3 glass shaved ice. r t easpoonful powdered sugar. I wine-glass brandy. r wine-glass St . Croix rum. ;,{ w ine-glass J amaica rum . Fill up wit h fresh milk , mix well together, strain and serve up , with a little nutmeg on top.
HOT MILK PUNCH. (Use large bar glass.) ~ teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. ;,{ wine-glass St. Croix rum. ;,{ wine-glass b randy. Fill the glass with hot milk.
Mix well with a spoon ; grate nutmeg on top, and serve. Always mix with a spoon. Never use the shaker to this. MISSISSIPPI PUNCH~ (Use large bar gl ass.) 2 t ea.spoonfuls powdered sugar in U wine-glass wat er.
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