1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
The Complete Huffet Guide, 01
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum. Stir well and serve-or fix glass with syrup and ice as in last receipt, leaving a small spoon in the glass. Set it and the bottle before the customer, allowing him to help himself.
HOT RUM. (Use whisky glass.) r teaspoonful powdered sugar.
A small lump of butter. 1 wine-grass Jamaica rum. Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve. Omit spices. SPICED RUM (HOT). (Use whisky glass. ) r teaspoonful powdered sugar. 1 teaspoon of mixed whole allspice and cloves , and a piece of butter about the size of a small marble .. . r wine-glass J amaica rum. Fill glass with hot water. Mix well and serve. ALE SANGAREE. (Use ale glass.) 1 t easpoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in water. Fill up with ale, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
BRANDY SANGAREE. (Use small bar ·glass.)
74 glass shaved ice . . ~ wine-glass water. 1 wine-glass brandy.
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