1903 The still-room by C. Roundell


Absinthe, 104 Ale, 71-76 „ cup, 117 „ mulled, 122 Anchovy sauce, 47 Angostura bitters, 112 Aniseed cordial, 105 Bacon, Pickle for, 28 Badminton, 117 Balm of Molucca, 1 12 Baking-powder, 150

Browning, gush about, 2 Butter, 9-15 „ to pot, 14 Calves'-foot Jelly, 142 Cassis, 113 Catsup, mushroom, 45 „ tomato, 46 „ walnut, 46 Champagne cobblec, 113 „ cup, 118

Chartreuse, 106 Cheese, 16-22 „

Beauty water, 96 Beef, spiced, 24

Camembert, 21

Cheddar, 18 cream, 19 Gervais, 21

tea, 139

„ „ „ „ „ „

„ Welsh, 25 Beer, home-brewed, 71-76 Beetles, to destroy, 153 Benedictine, 115 Biscuits, water, 136 Bishop, 117 Bitters, angostura, 112 „ Hamburgh, 106 „ orange, 115 Boston cooler, 118 Bottling of fruit and vegetables, 63-66 Brandy, cherry, 113 „ cherries, 55 „ cocktail, 118 „ ginger, 114 „ lemon, 114 „ peaches, 56

Grewelthorp, 20

Stilton, 16

to pot, 22 Cherries, brandy, 55 Cherry brandy, 113

Churning, 12 Cider, 77-79 „ cup, 118 Cinnamon cordial, 106 Claret cup, 118 „ mulled, 123 Clove cordial, 106 Cobbett, William, on and other cant, 71-73 Cobbler, champagne, 118 „ Saratoga, 125 „ sherry, 126 Cocktail, brandy, 118


Brewing, 71-76 Broth, 139, 140


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