1904 A book of beverages..


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Blackberry Cordial

ONE quart of Juice. One 'pound of Sugar. Several sticks of Cinnamon. One teaspoonful of Cloves. One teaspoonful of Allspice. One quart of Whiskey.

Tie spices in muslin bag. Boil all but Whiskey. Skim, and when cool add one quart of Whis- key to every gallon of liquid.


FOUR pounds of Currants. Two ounces of Bitter Almonds. One half ounce of Sweet Almonds. Eight ounces of Ginger Root.

Three Lemons, sliced. One gallon of Whiskey. Four pounds of Loaf Sugar.

Mash the Currants, cut the Ginger in small pieces; crack and split the Nuts. Mix and add Whiskey and Lemons. Let it stand ten days. Pour liquor off carefully, add Sugar, and bottle.

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