1904 A book of beverages..


Apple Punch LAY in a china bowl alternate layers of sliced Apples and Lemons, each layer be- ing thickly strewn with powdered Sugar. When the bowl is half full pour over a bottle of Claret. Cover and let stand six hours. Strain through cloth, ice, dilute with Water or Apollinaris, and serve.

Claret Tea Punch

JUICE of four Lemons.

Two cups of strong English Breakfast Tea. Half a cup of Sugar. Four tablespoonfuls of Curafoa or Maraschino. Three quarts of Claret. For twenty-five persons.

Canton Punch

FOUR cups of Water.

One and one half cups of Sugar. One half cup of Crystallized Ginger. Three quarters cup of Lemon Juice. Three quarters cup of Orange Juice. One quart of Apollinaris.

Boil Water, Sugar, and Ginger twenty minutes. Strain and add Juices, and when ready to serve, the Apollinaris. [Airs. William Trowbridge Forbes]

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