1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


1 lemon sliced 1 oran ge 2 pieces cucumber rind 1 pony brandy 1 p ony ma raschino I q uax:t r ed or white Burgundy, as preferred 1 pin t apollinaris T h.e juice of one lemon I la rge piece of ice. S tir well, and decorate with small bunch of green mint. Serve in small thin tumblers. CHAMPAGNE CUP. Use la rge gla ss pitcher into which put 1 lemon sliced I orange 2 p ieces cucumber rind I p ony bra ndy 1 p ony white euracoa I quart champagn e I p in t apollina ris T he juice of one lemon 1 large piece of ice. Stir this well, d ecorate with sma ll bunch ·of green mint, with a little powdered sugar on top. Serve in small thin tumblers. MOSELLE CUP. U se-large glass pitch er into which put I lemon sliced r orange " 2 pieces cucumber rind I pony brandy I p ony ma raschino I quart Moselle wine

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